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Tag 2022-08



A Summer of Transformation

2023年 8月 发表日期: 8/2023 Author: Jocelyn Zeng I am excited to share an incredible experience I had for my spiritual self this past summer. Just before VBS, I took a 3-week vacation to China, far away from my church family…

From the Editor

2022年 8月季刊 发表日期: 8/2022 Author: Ling Qiu The COVID-19 epidemic has spread around the world for two and a half years, making people in all countries physically and mentally exhausted and making nucleic acid testing and flight delays the new…


2022年 8月季刊 发表日期: 8/2022 作者:邱玲        新冠疫情蔓延全球两年半,让各国人民身心疲惫,核酸检测、飞机延误成为新常态。如果神允许这些事发生,祂在做什么新事呢?        在“牧者的话”中,学生传道Sion牧师在《新冠疫情中认识神的美意》中,引用《路加福音》24:36-53中复活的耶稣与门徒相遇的故事,邀请我们“继续阅读、查考和默想圣经”,让复活的主转化我们的生命,将我们心中的怀疑、悲伤、不信和恐惧转变为敬拜和大喜乐。        “宣教无国界”里,张路加牧师在《我知谁掌管明天》中,面对今天和明天的张力,呼吁我们“当有正确的‘心态、确信和行动’,做一个响应神呼召的人。”ECM魏文婷分享《门徒训练》的心得,建议教会的老中青三代配搭,“强调陪伴胜于教导。因为生命中最具影响力的,常常不是说出来的言语,而是活出来的样式。”ECM 蔡颂辉牧师、使者传道阿Ben、三福同工们,以及参加暑期短宣World changer的青少年以不同形式,实践了主的大使命。        “主内生活”里,彭红师母的《抗癌灵修日记》激励我们从《启示录》中看见新天新地的盼望,陈华弟兄在《三声叹息》中看见神的慈爱和主权,张琴姐妹在鬼斧神工中吟诗颂主名。在信仰的旅程中,有进入“断、舍、离”《人生的下半场》,有回顾曲折的《“信”路历程》,还有《成“公”的“孙子”兵法》,冯欣、田玲夫妇分享了第三代信仰传承的使命和实际可行的兵法。        “感恩见证”里,最近受洗的七位青少年、三位老人家共同述说天父的丰富恩典、主耶稣的真实可信、教会弟兄姐妹的爱,和神永不改变的应许:“若有人在基督里,他就是新造的人,旧事已过,都变成新的了。”(林后5:17)        愿舍己爱人的主激励我们跨世代、跨文化关怀,让真理更新文化成为新常态,在多变的世界中荣耀永恒的主! 作者简介:邱玲

Baptism Testimony (Jenny Wu)

2022年 8月季刊 发表日期: 8/2022 Author: Jenny Wu I grew up in the church, but I came to church and fellowship only because of my parents. I just used this time to play with my friends, barely paying attention to the…

Baptism Testimony (Natalie Tan)

2022年 8月季刊 发表日期: 8/2022 Author: Natalie Tan I have been a part of the church for as long as I can remember, but I never actively participated. I’m a very stubborn and anxious person, so I often feared asking for…

Baptism Testimony (John Song)

2022年 8月季刊 发表日期: 8/2022 Author: John Song From a young age, I always attended church. Although I didn’t know exactly what it meant at that time, I knew that church was a good thing and that I should go there…

Baptism Testimony (Austin Song)

2022年 8月季刊 发表日期: 8/2022 Author: Austin Song Since first grade, I always attended church and was a part of the community. I grew up in a Christian family, and my parents fully supported my journey to get baptized and grow…

Baptism Testimony (Timothy Kao)

2022年 8月季刊 发表日期: 8/2022 Author: Timothy Kao Before I had Christ in my life, I considered myself to be lost with no direction. I partied and drank a lot, mostly to escape the pain I had. I had lots of…

Baptism Testimony (Andrew Huang)

2022年 8月季刊 发表日期: 8/2022 Author: Andrew Huang Before I truly met Christ, I was just going through the motions of a kid who grew up in a Christian household: read this, learn that, answer this Sunday school question, and so…

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