From the Editor
发表日期: 8/2022
Author: Ling Qiu
The COVID-19 epidemic has spread around the world for two and a half years, making people in all countries physically and mentally exhausted and making nucleic acid testing and flight delays the new normal. If God allows these things to happen, what new things is He doing?
In “The Pastor’s Word,” Pastor Sion used the story of the resurrected Jesus meeting the disciples from Luke 24:26-53 in “God’s Purposes Realized Even During the Covid-19 Lockdown.” He invited us to “continue reading, searching and meditating on the Scriptures” and to allow the resurrected Lord to transform our lives and turn the doubts, sorrows, unbelief and fears in our hearts into worship and great joy.
In “Mission Without Borders,” Pastor Luke Zhang faced the tension between today and tomorrow in “I Know Who Controls Tomorrow,” calling on us to “have the correct ‘mindset, conviction and action’ and be a person who responds to God’s call.” ECM Wenting Wei shared her experience of discipleship training and suggested that the three generations of the church should work together. She emphasized that companionship is better than teaching because the most influential thing in life is often not the words spoken, but the living style. ECM Pastor Songhui Cai, preacher A Ben, the co-workers from Evangelism Explosion, and the youths who participated in the summer short-term World Changers practiced the Lord’s Great Commission in different forms.
In “Life in the Lord,” Mrs. Hong Peng’s “Anti-cancer Devotional Diary” inspired us to see the hope of the new heaven and new earth in Revelation. Brother Hua Chen saw God’s love and sovereignty in “Three Sighs.” Sister Qin Zhang wrote a poem to praise the name of the Lord when seeing a miraculous work. Articles about the journey of faith included “The Second Half of Life,” which talked about “breaking up, abandoning, and leaving”; “The Journey of ‘Faith’,” which reviewed twists and turns of life; and “Grandpa’s Art of War for Grandson,” in which the couple Xin Feng Xin and Ling Tian shared the mission of faith inherited to the third generation and practical methods.
In “Thanksgiving Testimony,” the seven youths and the three adults who were recently baptized all shared the rich grace of the Heavenly Father, the truthfulness of the Lord Jesus, the love of the brothers and sisters in the church, and God’s unchanging promise: “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” (2 Corinthians 5:17)
May the Lord who sacrifices Himself and loves others inspire us to care across generations and cultures, make the truth-transforming culture become the new norm, and glorify the eternal Lord in the ever-changing world!
Author: Ling Qiu