《恩语》- 北堂网刊

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Tag Allen Chi

The Attitude When Confronting Others

2021年 8月季刊 发表日期: 8/2021 Author: Pastor Allen Chi When facing conflict, most people usually escape or attack. However, the Bible teaches us to be peace messengers who work hard to resolve conflicts, pursue harmony, and maintain unity. The most important…

Installation of Pastors and Elders

2022年 3月季刊 发表日期: 3/2022 Author: Pastor Allen Chi I have only a brief exhortation because the exhortation from the Bible is already contained in the two messages that I preached in 1 Peter 5. Here I will only give a…

Love God, Love Family, Love Church

2022年 3月季刊 发表日期: 3/2022 Author: Pastor Allen Chi When looking ahead to the vision and mission of our church in 2022 last September, the pastors and elders had the same feeling after praying and communicating for a long time. Now it…

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