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World Changers 2022

2022年 8月季刊

发表日期: 8/2022

Author: King Shi

Hello, my name is King Shi, and I am a rising sophomore at Innovation Academy. This summer, I participated in World Changers in Meridian, Miss. This was my second year going to World Changers, my first being in Madisonville, Ky. World Changers is a non-profit organization that has been providing youth missions across North America since 1990. It is a way for young people to provide for less fortunate households, as well as a way for them to grow their relationship with God.

Youth groups contribute nationwide to the World Changers summer trips. I have been attending my youth group at Clear Springs Baptist Church for three years and am familiar with most of the members. You should attend those youth meetings after you go to World Changers. The first time I went on the trip, I felt closer to God than I ever had. I attended youth meetings that amplified that feeling of fellowship. Like my youth pastor always says, “I can give you the opportunity, but you must reach for it yourself.” Going to World Changers will not automatically bring you closer to God, however. You must allow Him to help you strengthen your relationship with Him.


I was nervous the first time I went to World Changers, which was the longest I had ever been away from home. My nerves calmed, however, after I realized that everyone felt the same way. After my first day there, I felt at ease and eager to participate in my volunteer work. This year, that nervousness returned when my pastor told us to be careful in Meridian. While I was concerned, I knew God would be watching over all of us.

On the first day, we arrived at Cracker Barrel to eat our breakfast/lunch. There I reconnected with some old friends and met some new ones. One of the things I like about World Changers is making new friends. These are people I regularly see in youth groups, but here we have more chances to get to know each other. There were many first timers on this trip, so my friends and I explained to them how World Changers works. Just as I was during my first year, they were nervous, but after our talk they came out of their shells.


After Cracker Barrel, we arrived at the church and got situated. It was a big church with a gym. This year we got two rooms instead of one, so it was less cramped than before. The schedule for the week included work, dinner, worship, group worship, and then sleep. It may sound boring, but the experience was incredibly fun. I spent most of my free time playing basketball in the gym with my friends. At first, all the churches played in their respective groups, but over time we all started playing together. I worked on two houses this year, and our primary job on both was to paint the windows. I had experience painting from last year’s mission, but it is something you can pick up very easily. I also did screening for the deck on the first house and painted part of the roof on the second. While the work was long and Meridian was extremely hot, I still had a fun time on the job sites. Everyone on my team was cooperative and friendly, and I got to know all of them.

 Overall, my trip to World Changers was a fun and fulfilling experience, and I am looking forward to next year’s trip. If you are thinking about attending World Changers next year, I recommend talking to Pastor Tom in Clear Springs Baptist Church and attending the youth meetings he hosts. World Changers is a fantastic opportunity for young people to further their relationships with God and meet new Christians from across America.


Author: King Shi

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