《恩语》- 北堂网刊

Vision Conference

Vision Conference

2022年 3月季刊

发表日期: 3/2022

Author: Simon & Abing

Prayer Requests

  1. Pray that Taylor’s parents will believe and trust in Jesus. Pray that the other students from our group will keep seeking the Lord and that they can also be witnesses for Christ to their families and friends.
  2. After a month-long ban, we are allowed to assemble on campus again! Pray we can meet more new students and share the Gospel with them.
  3. Pray the kids can keep learning and growing up healthy. Pray Breanna will be selected to attend free preschool this coming year.

I virtually attended my first ever Vision Conference for international students at the end of December. I wasn’t expecting much because, let’s be honest, who likes virtual conferences?

But I was pleasantly surprised that the students in our virtual family group were so eager to learn about God and attend the online sessions.

Our family group had several students studying in NYC, one recent graduate in China, and another guy in Thailand. The recent graduate in China, Taylor* (left middle), became a Christian in the United States and is now back in her hometown teaching.

She said the mandatory quarantine was a good chance to spend time with her mom and tell her about God. Taylor would pray and give thanks to God before each meal.

She said now her parents will ask her to pray and sometimes they will even pray by themselves!

Author: Simon & Abing

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