Baptism Testimony (Eric Xu)
发表日期: 3/2023
Author: Eric Xu
Life Before Jesus Christ
I came to ACCCN for many years, but I really did not want to serve God. I believed that I attended for friends and really did not fear God or follow His commandments. In addition, I felt my life was already in good hands, and I really did not need to strive to live a holy life. As a result, my pride led me to do many sinful acts, which I now regret.
Led to Jesus Christ
Inside and outside church, I met many great people who helped point me in the direction of the Cross: from people who were unafraid of their faith despite endless opposition, to strong preachers preaching of knowing God and repentance, to great family men who led many students and their children in following the Lord, and to flawed but strong servants of the Lord. They all pointed me to a life of holiness and showed what the Gospel is really about. I knew that I was a flawed person, and to truly defeat long-lasting sin, I needed the power of the Holy Spirit and Jesus. I was inspired by a sermon about the woman who smashed her expensive perfume to wash Jesus’ feet. I had to embrace salvation and accept the protection of the Holy Spirit.
After Jesus Christ
After my acceptance, I began to pray more, not just before bed. I remember a pastor saying that we need to pray when we want to and pray when we don’t. In addition, I began to read more of the Bible, although, at first, the Old Testament was hard to read through (it was the KJV). But I really enjoyed living a life filled with more holiness. Despite stumbling at first, I am glad that I was reborn with many great companions around me. I strive to do my best, even if it is quite difficult.
How to Serve Jesus Christ
I am an active member of my campus group at GT with many ways to contribute. I am glad that over the summer I was helping expand our church through recruiting new members and trying to have them come back to a welcoming environment. In addition, I hope in the future to spread the Good News and stand strong for what I believe in. Finally, I would like to offer my strengths as a person in many big and small ways to contribute to this great congregation.
Author: Eric Xu