《恩语》- 北堂网刊

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2022年 3月季刊

发表日期: 3/2022



黄光赐(或黄约瑟)牧师,生於马来西亚,与师母育有三个儿女。曾在香港、澳洲及美国接受神学及宣教训练,在马来西亚事奉主, 开荒植堂,也在非洲黑人穆斯林中传福音、建立教会,长达十一年半。

目前,黄牧师的三个儿女分别在泰国,非洲及北美,热心参与不同的服侍。黄牧师和师母於2013年12月结束在美国的牧会,从2014年起,重回普世宣教,与SIM团队配搭,专心推动“两个13亿”的事工,即动员13亿华人中的教会,提供训练、共同探讨穆宣策略, 一起把福音带给超过13亿的穆斯林。黄牧师经常担任宣教特会的讲员,推动普世宣教,分享如何向穆斯林传福音。

1. 大漠飞沙:在非洲宣教的生活,事奉(橄榄出版)
2. 大漠回宣情:向穆斯林传福音,建立教会(校园出版)
3. 两个13亿: 穆宣训练手册(神州华传出版)
4. 古老围墙:20个穆斯林信主的原因 (橄榄出版 2019.1)
5. 放眼地极:(橄榄出版 2021.5)

Speaker:Rev. Joseph Wong

Rev. Joseph Wong was born in Malaysia. With Emily, we have three children. Joseph received Mission and Theological training in
Hong Kong, Australia and the United States. Joseph served as a church planter for eight years in Malaysia and the family served as
SIM missionary in Niger, Africa, among the Manga people (Muslims) for 12 years.

Our three children currently are serving in Atlanta (Job), Africa (David) and Thailand (Ruth). Joseph resigned from pastoring a church in South Carolina (10 years) and returned to SIM, to provide Muslim outreach
training, mobilize “mission-minded” churches or individuals to involve in Muslim Evangelism. Joseph travels widely to conduct mission
conference, training and mobilizing for “cross-culture missions”.


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