《恩语》- 北堂网刊

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Special Announcement

2021年 8月季刊

发表日期: 8/2021

Author: Jonathan and Robynn Bachman

This may come as a shock to many of you, but finally we are able to share some exciting news! Our precious baby girl, Havynn (pronounced “Haven”) Esther was brought into the world on May 25, 2021, at  3:35 a.m. Robynn had an amazing natural delivery at home, and both baby and mother are healthy and well.

Many of you know the health struggles our family has dealt with the past few years, and this week marks the one-year anniversary of Jonathan Sr.’s chemotherapy. We praise the Lord that he is cancer-free! Despite the challenges, we’ve waited and prayed for another addition to our family, believing that God would answer our prayers in His perfect timing. What a blessing!


We’re now marveling at the Lord’s provision, and we want to share this exciting news with everyone! Yes, we may be unconventional, but we are so full of love for our new daughter. She’s a little miracle, and our whole family enjoys her immensely.

Author: Jonathan and Robynn Bachman

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