A powerful resource for all at ACCCN
发表日期: 3/2023
Author: Richard Matthews
For the past couple of years, the English Sunday school has made great use of an amazing resource for helping us understand the Bible and follow Christ in all that we do. Right Now Media is a company that has produced more than 20,000 (and counting) series of video programs on a wide range of Christian topics. Our Sunday school class has learned a great deal about individual books of the Bible, the nature and character of God, the challenges of truly and fully giving our lives to Christ, ways to use apologetics to explain our faith to seekers or to defend it against adversaries, how to be strong Christians in a hostile world, the history of the early church, and many other topics.
An important aspect of these professionally produced videos is that they are usually not long, drawn-out (or boring) lectures by people standing at a lectern. Most of them are short (8-15 minutes) but filled with wisdom and inspiration about their topic; a typical series might be 10 or 12 episodes. Some use animation to make points easier to grasp. The presenters are powerful speakers who know their subjects and know how to explain them in understandable and inspiring ways — people like Francis Chan, J.D. Greear, Tony Evans, Kyle Idleman, Max Lucado, Tim Keller, Louie Giglio, and many others.
The English Education Ministry subscribes to the service for its use, but the good news is that these resources are available not just for Sunday school, but for any ministry at ACCCN, from fellowships to youth to children. Even more exciting is that individual worshippers at our church can get complete access to the entire library of videos for their own study, to share during family devotions, or to help in bringing friends or relatives into the body of Christ.
Our Sunday school classes have been greatly enriched by the inclusion of these videos in many of the topics we’ve covered, and I’d love to see more ministries and individuals at ACCCN taking advantage of the church’s subscription. If you’re interested in checking them out and potentially using them, email me at matthews.richard@comcast.net and I’ll provide a link to set up your individual login and password for your free access.
Hope this will be a profoundly helpful resource on your Christian walk!
Author: Richard Matthews